Hi, I am a student now. I was working full-time in my country and always wanted to pursue M.phill. I used all my money till the last penny to afford a University of Gujrat. Due to the COVID market is so competitive that even finding an internship is really difficult because local people themself are struggling for jobs. I am writing here after seeing on of the video from the Facebook Dharmann video. If i don't get the money I would lose the accommodation now as well and land up in bigger trouble. I believe there are still some good people out there who believe in helping needy people, people who are in distress and need attention. A small help from you guys would help me survive properly and i won't have to pick up bottles from trash cans to afford bread to eat. I really don't know if it's gonna work or not, i have no fancy video or story to tell but the one I am already in. requesting your support to pay off debts and money borrowed.

Help for Studying
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Hi, I am a student now. I was working full-time in my country and always wanted to pursue M.phill. I used all my money till the last penny to afford ...