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We crossed 10,000! Make sure Mark Zuckerberg gets the message

Facebook Must Inform Users How They Were Exposed to Russian Propaganda
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December 6, 2017

In less than 72 hours more than 11,000 people have signed on to demand Facebook inform users of their exposure to Russian propaganda. As one signer put it, "we can't protect ourselves from a repeat of Russian interference with our election if we don't know exactly what happened during the 2016 election."

Here is what you can do today to help: share this petition on Facebook, on Twitter, and in any other network or medium where you can reach others concerned about election interference, propaganda, fake news and misinformation.

Thank you for your support! By November 1st, when tech executives testify in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, we hope to have tens of thousands of signatories.

We deserve the truth.


We crossed 10,000! Make sure Mark Zuckerberg gets the message

We crossed 10,000! Make sure Mark Zuckerberg gets the message

In less than 72 hours more than 11,000 people have signed on to demand Facebook inform users of their exposure to Russian propaganda. As one signer put it, "we can't ...



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Facebook Must Inform Users How They Were Exposed to Russian Propaganda

Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook Must Inform Users How They Were Exposed to Russian Propaganda